Te Deum in E
The Te Deum in E was first performed at the Annual Gathering Commemoration Service in June 1975, and was written to use the forces available: AAAATBBB. In the Chapel Music report in The Caian of November 1974 PAT had written: "The absence of real tenor voices (a function, it seems, of the incompatibility of the tenor voice with good A-level results!) involved a considerable re-organisation of the repertoire, but sometimes could be compensated for by the division of the altos... [who] were loth to sing the lower parts and felt more comfortable in their own natural ranges, which during this year were nearer to that of a boy's treble voice than to that of a counter-tenor. It was rather remarkable to hear full-blooded high E.s, F.s, G.s and G sharps emanating from them when necessary."
From The Caian: "The Choir gave the first rendering at the Annual Gathering Commemoration Service (24 June 1974) of Peter Tranchell’s Te Deum for seven part male-voice choir, two violins, piano and organ." It had another outing in 1974-75 academic year, and featured in a recital on Tuesday 29 June at Goldsmith’s College in South London (vocal soloists David Burrowes and Jeremy Points) and again at the 1975 and 1981 Annual Gathering Commemoration Services. And again at the Service of Dedication of the new Klais organ on Friday 20 November 1981; and on the 1984 choir tour / Annual Gathering, its last recorded appearance during Tranchell's tenure.
The work was performed (and recorded) during the 2005 Commemoration Weekend Mattins Service, by the (SATB) Gonville & Caius College Chapel Choir directed by Geoffrey Webber. It has also been performed at Hampstead Parish Church in a ceremonial service.
The typeset edition published on this page is faithful to the original in terms of distribution of voice parts, but clearly the upper Alto part (or two parts where it divides further) would be suitable for soprano/treble voices.
© Cambridge University Library MS.Tranchell.1.47. Published with the permission of the Syndics of the Cambridge University Library. Please refer to our guidance on the use of scores published by The Peter Tranchell Foundation.
Recording of Peter Tranchell's Te Deum in E from the Tranchell Commemoration Weekend Mattins Service 2005, Gonville & Caius Chapel, performed by the Choir of Gonville and Caius College, directed by Geoffrey Webber. Piano: Thomas Hewitt-Jones. Organ: Francesca Massey.
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