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Triple chant for Psalm 127 for ATBB in C major, and for SATB in E flat major

Two (and possibly three) versions of this triple chant are found in the Cambridge University Library archive: 

We are told this chant appears in the St. Paul's Cathedral ATB Chant Book (number 50) - thanks Peter Kirk.

The full typeset PDF score for the Psalm 127 C major ATBB version can be obtained here (or click on the image below).

A MusicXML version suitable for import into MuseScore or Sibelius (etc) can be obtained here.

The Choir of All Saints, Fulham (Director of Music Jonathan Wikeley) used this chant on Thursday 27 July 2023 in Southwell Minster, for SATB in D major, using the pointing and dynamics given below (reproduced here with permission from Jonathan Wikeley, whose guidance regarding the triplets was as follows: "it's much more intuitive and singable than one might initially think. The rule is that when you're in the triplets you always sing the final syllable to the last note of the triplet, or, to put it another way, when there are two syllables over a triplet, it's always two notes on the first syllable and one on the second").

Please also see our guidance on the use of this score.

Peter Tranchell Psalm 127 triple chant in C major

[127]. PSALM CXXVII. Nisi Dominus.

f 1. Except the / Lord · build the / house :
their labour / is but / lost that / build it.
2. Except the / Lord · keep the / city :
the watchman / waketh / but in / vain.
mf 3. It is but lost labour that ye haste to rise up early, and so late take rest,* and / eat the · bread of / carefulness :
for so he / giveth / his be·lovèd / sleep.
4. Lo, children and the / fruit · of the / womb :
are an heritage and / gift that / cometh · of the / Lord.
f 5. Like as the arrows in the / hand · of the / giant :
even / so — / are the · young / children.
6. Happy is the man that / hath his · quiver / full of them :
they shall not be ashamed when they / speak · with their / enemies · in the / gate.