Haiku for Peter
Peter T is dead
But his music still lives on
(I hear the cackle:-)
Vyvyan Chatterjie, by email, 29/01/2016
[...Read More]Peter T is dead
But his music still lives on
(I hear the cackle:-)
Vyvyan Chatterjie, by email, 29/01/2016
[...Read More]An account of 18 diverse works by Peter Tranchell from the years before 1950.
[...Read More]Chris Henshall (1972) remembers...
[...Read More]We have transcribed Tranchell's Virgoan Responses as arranged for SATB.
[...Read More]Address delivered by Raymond Leppard at the Memorial Service for Peter Tranchell, 12 February 1994
[...Read More]Another take on Peter T may be found in this poem by Paul Archer http://www.paularcher.net/poems/peter_tranchell.html
[...Read More]Peter Tranchell, the composer, was for 40 years a key figure in the musical world of Cambridge University.
By the [...Read More]Philip Radcliffe applauds the revival of PAT’s The Mayor of Casterbridge, conducted by Guy Woolfenden, and hopes that it will soon be as widely known as it deserves.
[...Read More]A review by David Epps of a concert performance of Peter Tranchell’s Decalogue in St John’s College Chapel by the C.U.M.S. chorus, brass and percussion; from The Cambridge Review, 3rd March 1956
[...Read More]Philip Radcliffe reviews Peter Tranchell's music for The Bacchae.
[...Read More]In this article the Director of Music for the B.B.C.’s. Midland Region discusses the music of Zuleika.
[...Read More]A review by Raymond Leppard of Peter Tranchell's opera The Mayor of Casterbridge, The Cambridge Review, Volume LXXIII, 13 October 1951
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