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Tranchell on Church Music Lists

This page assembles some useful hyperlinks and tips on how to find the current music lists of some Cathedrals, Chapels, Colleges and Churches that have been known to feature the music of Peter Tranchell.

This page is 'work in progress', and always liable to change when websites get altered. Please contact us if you can add to or update this list.

All Saints, Fulham

Works seen on the music list at All Saints, Fulham:
People, look East
Psalm 23
Psalm 127 triple chant

Bradford Cathedral

Music list 

Works seen on the music list at Bradford Cathedral:
Tone 4 Fauxbourdons

Brecon Cathedral

Music list (often not up to date)

Works seen on the music list at Brecon Cathedral:
If ye would hear the angels sing
Bread of the world in mercy broken
Psalm chant (used for Psalm 17)
Tone 4 Fauxbourdons

Carlisle Cathedral

Music list

Works seen on the music list at Carlisle Cathedral:
Libran Responses (at Lay Clerks only services)
Virgoan Response (girls & Lay Clerks)
Tone 4 Fauxbourdons
People, look East

Chelmsford Cathedral

No music list published, when checked March 2023.

Works seen on the music list at Chelmsford Cathedral:
St. Michael's Mass

Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge

Music list

Works seen on the music list at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge:
Monk's Gate organ prelude
Psalm 141: Lord, I call upon Thee
(to be continued...)

Guildford Cathedral

Music list

Works seen on the music list at Guildford Cathedral:
People, look East

Hampstead Parish Church

Music list

Works seen on the music list at Hampstead Parish Church:
Monk's Gate organ prelude
Fitzwilliam Communion Service

Leicester Cathedral

Music list

Works seen on the music list at Leicester Cathedral:
If ye would hear the angels sing

Merton College, Oxford

Music list

Works seen on the music list at Merton College, Oxford:
People, look East

New College, Oxford

Music list

Works seen on the music list at New College, Oxford:
O that our faith
Tone 4 Fauxbourdons

Ripon Cathedral

Music list

Works seen on the music list at Ripon Cathedral:
Evening service in B flat
Tone 3 Fauxbourdons
Tone 4 Fauxbourdons
Psalm 141: Lord, I call upon Thee (as an anthem)

St. George's Cathedral, Southwark

Music list

Works seen on the music list at St. George's Chapel, Windsor:
Psalm 133: The Peace of God
Psalm 141: Lord, I call upon Thee

St. George's Chapel, Windsor

Music list (searchable PDFs can be opened from that page)

Works seen on the music list at St. George's Chapel, Windsor:
Tone 3 Fauxbourdons
Tone 4 Fauxbourdons

St. John's College, Cambridge

Music list (whole term published, but PDF cannot be searched).

Works seen on the music list at St. John's College, Cambridge:
Tone 4 Fauxbourdons
People, look East

Third Baptist Church, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Music list 

Works seen on the music list at Third Baptist Church, St. Louis:
Bread of the World
O that our faith