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The handlist is available as PDFa, and the text is also reproduced below. To assist in finding resources on this website we have added hyperlinks where possible to pages with more information, recordings, and scores; we have also corrected a few errors in the Handlist; all additions and corrections are annotated in braces {...}. Because this web page acts as an index to Peter Tranchell's works, and in particular those we have typeset and published, for completeness we have added a section for Works not included in the Classified Handlist.


Compiled by Robert Nicholls, Christopher Allsop & Richard Andrewes

from Peter’s lists of his own music and from the surviving manuscripts in the Cambridge University Library

Final draft ‑ September 1997

This catalogue is intended to be a complete list of the music of Peter Tranchell. It has been compiled from various lists made by Peter himself, including some thematic catalogues from ca. 1947-1955, and the manuscripts from his Estate bequeathed to the Cambridge University Library.

Items marked ‘+’ are to be found in the CUL

Items marked ‘-’ are found in his own lists or thematic catalogues but do not survive in the CUL


1 - Dramatic music

1a - Operas & operettas

1b - Dramatic cantatas

1c - Revues & sketches

1d - Incidental music for plays, pageants, films and television

1e - Ballets

1f - Pantomime music

2 - Chorus with orchestral/instrumental accompaniment

2a - Sacred

2b - Secular

3 - Smaller choral works ‑ with accompaniment

3a - Church services

3b - Anthems & psalms

3c - Secular pieces

3d - Hymns

4 - Unaccompanied chorus

4a - Services

4b - Anthems

4c - Secular part songs

5 - Songs

6 - Orchestral music

7 - Instrumental & chamber music

8 - Piano music

9 - Organ music

Works not included in the Classified Handlist



+ Mayor of Casterbridge: 2 flutes, oboe, 2 clarinets, bassoon, horn, 2 trumpets, tenor trombone, cymbal, bass drum, side drum, timpani, piano, Hammond organ, voices and strings. 1951

+ The stowaway ‑ a comic space opera for young people: voices and piano. 1950?

+ Twice a kiss: operetta in one act: soloists, piano and electronic organ. 1955

+ Zuleika: musical comedy: solo voices & chorus, orchestra (1010 0110 ‑ violins, celli, contra, piano, percussion, on stage band). 1954

Projected but unfinished:

+ Captain Cook. 1959‑85

‑ Colomba

+ Edward II. 198‑?


+ Aye, aye, Lucian!: a fantasy for baritone solo, male voice chorus and piano. 1960. duration: 70'

+ Daisy Simpkins (The spinning house): cantata or concert-operetta. 1954; (revised 1989). duration: 50'

main vocal soloists: 1 soprano, 1 contralto, 1 tenor, 1 baritone
minor vocal soloists: 2 sopranos, 7 baritones
SATB chorus; accompaniment: 2 pianos

+ His first Mayweek: cantata or concert‑operetta. 1963. duration: 66'

major vocal soloists: 1 soprano, 1 contralto, 2 tenors, 3 baritones, 1 bass
minor vocal soloists: 3 baritones, 1 bass
6 male minor speaking roles; several very small speaking or singing roles
male‑voice chorus and 2 pianos

+ The mating season: a concert entertainment. 1962. duration: 70'

major vocal soloists: 5 tenors, 5 baritones, 1 bass, one male speaking part
minor vocal soloists: 1 tenor, 2 baritones, 1 bass, three male speaking parts
male‑voice chorus and piano

+ Mrs Tittlemouse. 194‑?.

Soloists, chorus, flute, 2 violas, piano and percussion

+ Murder at The Towers: detective cantata. 1955 (revised 1986). duration: 40'

STT solos, SATB chorus and 2 pianos

+ The robot emperor: cantata or concert operetta. 1965. duration: 80'

major vocal soloists: 2 T, 2 Br, 4 B
minor vocal soloists: 3 T, 3 Br, 1 B
narrator; 3 male minor speaking parts; male voice chorus
orchestra ( ‑ ‑ strings, piano, electric organ, perc: vibraphone, sidedrum, cymbals, triangle, woodblock; strohl-viol, swanee whistle)

+ The surprises of divorce: musical. 1959‑61?.

Libretti and sketches only


+ 1947 Footlights May week revue. 1947

+ Always in June: voice and piano. 1949 (Footlights May week revue)

+ Cabbages and Kings (Footlights revue). 1952 (3 songs: Clown ‑ Russian salad ‑ Checkmate)

+ Child’s play (revue for the Players’ Theatre). 1958 (4 songs: A near thing ‑ Old number ‑ A tedious affair ‑ Tenement cantata).

+ Come to Codwin Bay: musical revue/comedy. 1948 (contains: When you go to the zoo ‑ What a surprise ‑ Similar cases ‑ Letters, letters, letters ‑ Come to Codwin Bay ‑ Cornet song ‑ Goodbye ‑ Change ‑ Forty‑eight genes ‑ Women ‑ The Greek way of making a friend)

+ Customs house: voice and piano. 1948 (??four songs for a sketch?: in Thematic catalogue)

+ Hey nonny no. 1951 (songs for a revue (Theatre Group): Lullaby ‑ It doesn’t mean a thing ‑ Uncle Sam ‑ I’m Bertha the bearded lady ‑ Advice to young ladies)

+ La vie Cambridgienne: 2 pianos and voices. 1948 (Footlights May week revue)

+ Men’s shop (Footlights revue): dramatic scene: male voices and 2 pianos. 1958

+ The Joshua Taylor story (revue music): clarinet, trumpet, tenor trombone, violin, cello, voices and piano. 1960 (2 sketches: Edward onwards ‑ Finale)


Dramas with significant musical contributions:

+ Antigone (Sophocles): music for Greek play: male‑voice soloists and chorus &  orchestra (2: 222 ‑ 2220 ‑ strings, timp, perc, piano). 1959

+ Bacchae: music for Greek play: SS solo, SA chorus and full orchestra (2222 ‑ 4331 ‑ strings, piano, perc). 1955

+ Troades: music for Latin play: SA solo, SATB semichorus, SA chorus and orchestra (1121 ‑ 1100 ‑ solo violin, piano, timp, perc). 1957

Incidental music for plays (and pageants):

+ A pageant for coronation year. 1953

+ Antigone (Anouilh): incidental music: piano & harpsichord. 1950

+ Chester plays (no. 1‑4): incidental music: boys voices and piano. 1960 (For King’s College Choir School)

+ Christopher Columbus, I presume: incidental music. 1946?

+ Death of a salesman (Miller): incidental music: voices, organ and cymbal. 1954‑55

‑ Gates of summer (Whiting): incidental music: solo voice & piano. 1956 (1 song: I’m the wild wed rose)

‑ Historical pageant. 1952. (4 numbers: Hail most glorious ‑ Spring has come to the year again ‑ Victory to tell ‑ Who follows the Queen)

+ Jew of Malta (Marlowe): incidental music: voices and small orchestra. 1957

+ Johnson over Jordan (Priestley): incidental music: small orchestra. 1947 (includes: Souvenir d’un jour d’espoir: valse (piano solo))

+ Macbeth (Shakespeare): incidental music: voices and small orchestra. 1949

+ Merchant of Venice: incidental music: voices and small orchestra (lute, recorder, violin, 3 trumpets, dulcitone, piano accordion. 1950 (for Eastbourne College)

+ Nativity pageant: S solo, 2 trumpets, horn, trombone, harp, organ and SATB choir. 1956 (3 numbers: Magnificat ‑ Laud ‑ Gloria)

+ Pageant of Cambridgeshire. 1961

+ Peregrine Pickle (Dick Cross after Smollett): incidental music: voices and small orchestra. 1954

+ The critic. 1949 (unfinished, sketches only)

+ Tobias and the angel (Bridie). 1953 (2 items: 1. Jackal song: for soprano & small orchestra ‑ 2. Wedding dance: for small orchestra)

Music for Television

+ The fire raisers (Max Frisch): incidental music: 3 male voices and vibraphone. 1963

Music for Films

+ Pardoner’s tale: film music: violin, viola, piano, harmonium and percussion. 1952 (amateur film)

+ The gypsy of Granada: film music: orchestra. 1955 (amateur film)

Unsuccessful fragment of film music


+ Euridice: ballet: S solo and piano, with one dancer. 1952 (choreographer and dancer: Maria Fedro)

+ Falstaff: ballet. 1950 (choreographer: Key Upton ‑ never performed)

+ Fate’s revenge: ballet in one act: orchestra (1121 ‑ 2210 ‑ strings, piano, perc). 1951 (orchestrated by Geoffrey Corbett) (choreographer: David Paltenghi)

+ Images of love: ballet in eleven movements: full orchestra (3333 ‑ 4331‑ strings, harp, timp, perc(6)). 1964 (choreographer: Kenneth Macmillan ‑ originally called ‘The ages of love’)

+ Spring legend: ballet in one act: piano. 1957 (choreographer: Marie Bicknell)


+ Aladdin: pantomime music: small orch. with or without voices. 1957

(contents: Prologues ‑ The wishes ballet ‑ The princess and the emperor ballet)

+ Babes in the wood: pantomime music: small orch. with or without voices. 1955

(contents: Prologues ‑ Christmas tree ballet ‑ Forest ballet)

+ Cinderella: pantomime music: small orch. with or without voices. 1958

(contents: Prologue ‑ Animal ballet ‑ Button’s dream ballet)

+ Dick Whittington: pantomime music: small orch. with or without voices. 1956

(contents: Prologues ‑ Whittington’s dream of Mayorality ballet ‑ Rat King ballet)

+ Goody two‑shoes: pantomime music: small orch. with or without voices. 1953

(contents: Prologues ‑ Dame song (‘Slippy sloppy slippers’) ‑ Yellow dwarf ballet ‑ Nursery ballet)

+ Jack and the beanstalk: pantomime music: small orch. with or without voices. 1959

(contents: Prologues ‑ Ballet of the vegetable garden ‑ Balloon ballet)

+ Mother Goose: pantomime music: small orch. with or without voices. 1954

(contents: Prologues ‑ Gooseland ballet ‑ The princess and the dragon ballet)

+ Robinson Crusoe: pantomime music: small orch. with or without voices. 1952

(contents: Prologues ‑ Dame song (‘Pudding’) ‑ Bird ballet ‑ Idol ballet): small orch with or without voices.

- 1960 (contents: Prologue to act I ‑ Bird ballet ‑ Temple ballet)



+ City of God: an extravaganza for chorus & orchestra. 1950

+ Psalm 108. 1965. Unison voices and organ (and full orchestra)

+ Psalm 144. 194-? TB soli, SATB choir, orchestra ( bn ‑ ‑ 8vla, 6vlc, 4db, timp, cymbals)

+ Psalm 150. 1974. ATBrBB, violins, violas, trumpet, trombone, tambourine, cymbals and organ


+ Das Lied von der Lustbarkheit. 1949

AATB solos, cor anglais, trombone, horn, 2 piatti and piano

Jonathan: Cantata for Bishop’s Stortford. See Saul’s successor

+ [Poems of Po Chü-i] Three translations from the Chinese of Po Chü-i. 1964

1. Lazy man’s song (andantino scherzando) ‑ 2. The chrysanthemums in the Eastern garden (con passione) ‑ 3. After passing the examination
TBrBB chorus and orchestra. (1 & 2 are revised from ‘Seven poems of Po Chü-i’)

+ The joyous year. 1961. duration: 18'

SATB chorus & orchestra (3*.2.2.2 ‑ ‑ strings, timp, perc (4 players: triangle, tambourine, tubular bells, cymbals, side drum, bass drum)

+ Saul’s successor: cantata. 1969.

TBrB solo, male-voice choir, organ, percussion, and timpani

+ This sorry scheme of things. duration: 35'

Bar. solo, SATB semichorus, SSA chorus and orchestra. 1951

Bar. solo, SATB semichorus, SA chorus, harpsichord and piano. 1952



+ Agnus dei no. 2 in B minor (rev.1973): and organ. 1962

+ Agnus dei no. 3 in F major on “de angelis”: unison voices and organ. 1966

+ Agnus dei no. 4 in D major: B solo, TTBrBrBBBB and organ. 1962

+ Agnus dei no. 5 in F minor based on Missa angelica: TBrBB and organ. 1966

+ Agnus dei no. 6 in F minor: TBrBB. 1962

+ Agnus dei no. 8 in B major on mode 5: TBrBB. 1963

+ Agnus dei no. 9 in A flat: TB and organ. 1966

+ Agnus dei no. 10 in A major on Lux et origo: unison voices and organ. 1971

+ Agnus dei no. 11 in B flat minor on Cunctipotens genitor Deus: unison voices and organ. 1971

+ Fitzwilliam mass. 1960

+ Gloria (5 chant settings)

+ Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in B: AATBrBB and organ. 1981

+ Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in B flat: AATBrBB and organ. 1978

+ Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C (for Dr N.C. Wotherspoon): T solo, AATTBB and organ. 1970: arr. for SAATBrBB and organ. 1988

+ Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G: TTBB and organ. 1967; Nunc dimittis transposed for tenor/baritone and AATBrBB. 1976

+ Nunc Dimittis in A: AATBrBB and organ. 1979

‑ Nunc Dimittis tone 15: ATBrB and organ. 1976

+ Sanctus and Benedictus no.2 in E major. 1962‑1966

+ Sanctus and Benedictus no.3 (Missa de angelis)

+ Sanctus and Benedictus no.4 in C major. 1966

+ Sanctus and Benedictus no.5 in E minor (Missa angelica). 1966

+ Sanctus and Benedictus no.6 in C major (from St. Michael’s mass): TBrBB. 1965

+ Sanctus and Benedictus no.8 in F sharp major: TBrBB. 1966

+ Sanctus in D minor on Alme pater: unison voices and organ. 1973

+ St. Michael’s Mass: music for Holy Communion in Great St. Mary’s. 1966

+ Te Deum in B major: AATTBBBB organ and trumpet. 1972 (1973 in PRS list)

+ Te Deum in E: AAAATBBB organ, piano and 2 violins. 1975 (1974 in PRS list)

+ The prodigal son ‑ setting of matins and evensong: SATB and organ. 1947


 Blessed are those that are undefiled in the way: SAATBrBB and organ. 1986

+ Cantantibus organis: STB solo, SATB and organ. 1987

+ Dazzling darkness: Br solo, ATBrBB and organ. 1976

+ Fortunare nos: SATBrBB and organ. 1986

+ Grant to us Lord: ATBr solo, AATBrSS and organ. 1984

+ How fair and how pleasing: SATB and organ. 1974

+ If ye would hear: TTBB (or SATB) and organ. 1965: ATTBB and organ. 1974

+ O that our faith: TBrB and organ. 1971: ATBrBB and organ. 1975

+ People look east: AATBrBB and organ. 1982

+ Psalm 3: chorus, TTBB and organ. 1971: SATBrBB and organ. 1985

+ Psalm 6: ATBB and organ. 1976

+ Psalm 15: unison voices and organ. 1962: unison voices and organ. 1962 (revised 1976)

+ Psalm 23: unison voices and organ. 1962: two-part male-voice choir and organ. 1970: ATBrB choir and organ. 1976

+ Psalm 27: two-part male-voice choir and organ. 1967

+ Psalm 28: unison voices, piano and organ. 1977

+ Psalm 34 (unfinished)

+ Psalm 47 (unfinished)

+ Psalm 71: AATBrBB and organ. 1978

+ Psalm 105: TBrBB and organ. 1975

‑Psalm 107: AATBrBB and organ. 1978

+ Psalm 108: AATBB, 2 violas, piano and organ. 1975

+ Psalm 111: SATBrB adn organ. 1983

+ Psalm 117: AATBrBB, piano and organ. 1980

+ Psalm 119 (vv1‑8): SAATBrBB and organ and piano. 1976?

+ Psalm 119 (vv153‑176): ATBrBB and organ. 1976

+ Psalm 121: unison voices and organ. 1962 (also setting in A)

+ Psalm 122: unison voices and organ. 1966

+ Psalm 126: unison voices and organ. 1962: T solo, ATBrBB and organ. 1980

+ Psalm 128: unison voices and organ. 1966

+ Psalm 130: two‑part male‑voice choir and organ. 1967

+ Psalm 133: unison voices and organ. 1962

+ Psalm 134: TBrB and organ. 1968: AAATTBrBrBBBB and 2 violins. 1980

+ Psalm 141: TBrB and organ. 1968: ATBrBB and organ. 1976: SSATBrB and organ. 1984

+ Psalm 147: two‑part male‑voice choir and organ. 1966

+ Psalm 149: TTBB and organ. 1969: AATBrBB and organ. 1973

+ Psalm 150: unison voices and organ. 1968

+ Psalm chants, double {See Index to the Anglican Psalm Chants}

+ Psalm chants, quadruple {See Index to the Anglican Psalm Chants}

+ Psalm chant, sextuple (?Psalm 127 ‘Triple chant’) {See Index to the Anglican Psalm Chants}

+ Thou art Peter: unison voices and organ. 1980: SATB and organ. 1987

+ Ye shall be holy: SSATB unacc (or with organ). 1982


+ Checkmate: voices and piano. 1953 (1952 in PRS list). From Cabbages and Kings

+ Hush he sleeps. 1958 (in Thematic index)

+ No more of thee and me: AATBrBB, piano. 1978

+ Russian salad: T solo, TB chorus and piano. 1952. From Cabbages and Kings

+ The hour of the angel: TTBB and piano

3d ‑ HYMNS

+ All the past we leave behind us: [tune]: Calcot Hill: unison voices and organ. 1970

+ And now, O father, mindful of the love: [tune]: Old Winchester hill: unison voices and organ. 1970

+ Bread of the world in mercy broken: [tune]: Durley Mill: unison voices and organ. 1970

+ Come, Holy Ghost, who ever one: [tune]: Outlands Lane: Br solo, TBrBB and organ. 1970

+ God gave to man to have and hold [The rape of the land]: [tune] Droxford: unison voices and piano. 1972

+ Lord dismiss us with thy blessing: stanzaic anthem: [tune] Wish Road: ATBrBB and organ. 1978

+ Lord, be my word and my rule: [tune]: Titchfield Abbey: TBrBB and organ. 1970

+ May the grace of Christ our saviour: [tune]: Hamble Bridge: unison voices and organ. 1970

+ O holy city seen of John: [tune] Curdridge Lane: ATBrBB and organ. 1979: SATB and organ. 1979

+ O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace: [tune]: West Meon: unison chorus and TBrBB and organ. 1970

+ O king enthroned on high: [tune] Lockham’s Road: 2‑part male‑voice choir and organ. 1970

+ O that our faith may never move: [tune] Waltham Chase: ATBrBB and organ. 1975

+ Once to every man and nation: [tune] Kitnock’s Hill: SATB and organ. 1963

+ Thank you, O Lord: [tune] Durley: unison voices and piano. 1972

+ The earth, the sky, the oceans and all that they contain: [tune] Swanmore: unison voices and piano. 1972

+ There is a book who runs may read: [tune] Botley Road: unison chorus, TBrBB and organ. 1967



+ Arian preces and responses: ATBrBB. 1973

+ Austen dismissal: ATBrBB. 1976

+ Caius dismissal (Norwich): ATBB. 1969

+ Dismissal in F: SATBrBB. 1986

+ Eastleigh dismissal: AATTBrBB ‑ F minor, SATBrB ‑ G minor. 198‑?

+ Fareham dismissal: ATBrBB. 1976

+ Libran preces and responses: ATBrBB. 1972

+ Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis tone 3: AATBrBB unacc.. 1974-75

+ Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis tone 4: AATBrBB unacc.. 1975 (1973-4 in PRS list)

+ Magnificat tone 7: AAT/BrBB. 1976: AATBB unacc.. 1976 (1973 in PRS list)

+ Magnificat tone 8: A solo, AATBB. 1974: A solo, ATBB choir unacc.. 1976

+ Michaelmas preces and responses: TTBB. 1966

+ Quintilian preces and responses: ATBrBB. 1981

+ Sagittarian preces and responses: AATBrBB(B). 1981

+ Virgoan preces and responses: ATBrBB. 1972: ATBrBB. 1976: SATBrBB. 1987

+ Winchester dismissal: SATBrBB. 1975

+ Wymondham dismissal: AATBrBB. 1975


+ Exsurge Domine: SATB. 194‑?

+ Fac cum servum tuo: SATB. 194‑?

+ Jesus said: in this world ye shall have tribulation: ATBrBB unacc.. 1972

+ Peace be with you: SATBrBB.. 1980


+ A day in the garden: AATBrBBB unacc.. 1979. First line: Miss Aphis was licking a rosebud one day

+ Carmen Cotidianum (Caius ‘psalms’)

+ Christmas shopping: SATB unacc.

+ His way of taming a shrew: ATBrBrBBBB unacc.. 1977

+ Silentium: AATBrBBB unacc.. 1975

+ Tell me, Astrologist: SSATTBB unacc.

+ Thackeray ditties: mixed choir. 1962

+ The dog that sat: TTBrBB. 1967: ATBrBB unacc.. 1976

+ Tribute to the grave of Professor Staggins: four voices. (round)

+ Twist me a crown of wind flowers: SATB unacc.


This list does not attempt to separate his ‘serious’ songs from his ‘popular’ songs, though the latter may be mostly listed in his Thematic index, which was probably made with some idea of copyright claim on his popular music. It includes the songs from all his stage works and cross references from first lines to titles

‑ 37 Jesus Lane. 1953 (in Thematic index)

+ A feast for a beast. 1948. From Come to Codwin Bay

A garden is a lovesome thing God wot. See Lovesome

+ A is the grass. 198‑?

+ A little night’s outing: voice and piano. 1980

+ A lot of people say. 1949. (in Thematic index). See Winter

+ A near thing: voice and piano. 1958 (in Thematic index). From Child’s play

A seal named Celia. See In a Sunday paper

+ A tedious affair: voice and piano. 1958 (in Thematic index). From Child’s play

+ A thing or two. 1947 (in Thematic index): voice and piano. First line: People say I’m a ‘vamp,’ dear, but they’re wrong. Refrain: I’d make a terrible housewife. Renamed ‘The Dowager’ and given new text with original music

+ A Yank at Cambridge. From 1947 Footlights revue

Admirals when they want more men. See There’s an opening for you in the navy

‑ Advice to young ladies. From Hey nonny no

+ Akoma: voice and piano. First line: May week madrigals beneath a bridge

+ Alice in Wonderland. 1950. (1. Will you walk a little faster ‑ 2. Beautiful soup)

All men are animals...! Given half a chance. See Ca ne veut‑dire rien

+ All roads lead to Rome. 1948 (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘& Telepathy’))

Alphabet. See Two cabaret songs

+ Always beware of women. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Am I alone in my dreams (revised version(s)). 1956 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Amphilokia. 1945 (in Thematic index)

+ Anything may happen. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

‑ Arlington Rd. valse. 1949 (in Thematic index)

+ Ashoka. First line: I’m just a little ship that passes between the clinking of glasses. Refrain: Why must I wait

+ At night in June. ?1946 Malta

At the fall of Rome. See The benefit of the doubt

+ Autumn. 1949 (in Thematic index). From Always in June

‑ Available. 1959 (in Thematic index)

+ Babes in the Wood. From 1947 Footlights revue

‑ Back to the wall boys. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘F.L.S[moker].))

+ Balls. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

+ Barnabas Tenison-halt. 1947 (in Thematic index)

‑ Barnend. 1944 (composed in Malta?) (in Thematic index)

+ Barnend Revisited. post 1947?

+ Bass Song. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

+ Be gentle with me: voice and piano. 194‑?

+ Bearded lady. 1948[?] (in Thematic index). See also Bertha the bearded lady. From Hey nonny no

+ Beauties architectural. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

Beautiful soup. See Alice in Wonderland

+ Beauty and brains. 1947. From 1947 Footlights revue

Bells ring out the noonday hour. See My doorstep too

+ Bertha the bearded lady. 1951. From Hey nonny no

‑ Bess. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Blind Bartimeus. 1947?

+ Blood boil. 1948 (in Thematic index). From Come to Codwin Bay

+ Blow bugle. voice (tenor) and piano. 194‑?

+ Blue eyes and light brown hair. 1980.

‑ Bourganeuf. 1959 (in Thematic index)

+ Buy, buy, blackbird. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

Byron found the authorities sour. See You don’t need an excuse to go to Venice

+ By the way: voice and piano. 1946‑1947?

Ça ne veut dire non. 1949 (in Thematic index). See Ça ne veut-dire rien

+ Ça ne veut-dire rien: voice and piano. 1949. First line: All men are animals...! Given half a chance

‑ Calais transit. 1946 (in Thematic index)

+ Cambridge cafe. From 1947 Footlights revue

+ Cambridge circus. From 1947 Footlights revue

+ Cambridge tour. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

Can you not see it. See Not sure

+ Caravan: voice and piano. 1953. First line: There lived a nightingale who loved a little rose. Refrain: I’ll sing you a song that’s sad beyond belief

+ Careers. From 1947 Footlights revue

+ Caressante. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Carnival. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘F.L. 1948’))

Carter Patterson song. 1948 (in Thematic index). See Carter Pattersong

+ Carter Pattersong. 1948

‑ Catholic church. 1949 (in Thematic index)

‑ Cavemen. 1959 (in Thematic index)

‑ Cervinia trial. 1948 (in Thematic index)

‑ C’est la vie. 1959 (in Thematic index)

+ Change here. 1948. From Come to Codwin Bay

+ Channel Queen. 1948 (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘F.L.S[moker].’)). See Customs House

+ Chapel list. 1958 (in Thematic index)

+ Chauffeur. 1947. First line: Not many girls have the luck to have a chauffeur

+ Checkmate. 1953

Children’s dance. See Two cabaret songs

Cleopatra had her day. See Who cares

+ Cloud at 1500: voice and piano. 1949 (in Thematic index)

+ Clown. 1953 (in Thematic index). See Caravan

+ Come to Codwin Bay. 1948 (in Thematic index, with ‘Carter Patterson song’). From Come to Codwin Bay

+ Convalescence. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

‑ Corbulor [?]. 1959 (in Thematic index) {should be Corbulon}

+ Cornet song. 1948. From Come to Codwin Bay. First line: Those are the things that we recall. Refrain: Ice‑cream cornets were very much bigger

+ Coughing and nose‑blowing song: voice and piano (‘Snot’ song). First line: We sit for a space

County cricket. See In a Sunday paper

+ Cousin Cissie’s baby book of swans: song cycle: tenor or soprano and piano. 1946

+ Crockford. 194‑?

‑ Crossing France. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Crowther. 1944 (in Thematic index)

+ Curtain number. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘F.L.S[moker].)). See 1947 Footlights Revue

+ Damn the woman damn. 1954‑5 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Dancing through. 1948 (in Thematic index). First line: We worship thee, Terpsichore

Darling, now we are back from the party. See Too much kissing

+ Death is my preoccupation. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

Destiny must have selected me. See Post mortem

+ Do you think life is like a video-recording?: voice and piano. 1985

‑ Dodie and Vincent. 1959 (in Thematic index (2 tunes))

Don’t give ’em the benefit of the doubt. See Friendship is a beautiful word

Don’t give them the benefit of the doubt. 1950 (in Thematic index). See The benefit of the doubt

+ Doormat. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

‑ Dot’s douce. 1947 (in Thematic index)

‑ Down in the backroom. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

+ Drainpipe blues: voice and piano. 1956. First line: Gone are the lights tonight

Dreaming that I went with Li and Yu to visit Yuan Chen. See Poems of Po Chü-i

+ Drifting By. 194‑?. First line: With the Tide

+ Eastern Counties. 194‑?

+ Edward onwards. 1960. From The Joshua Taylor story. First line: You mustn’t, you mustn’t

+ Envelope tune. 1958 (in Thematic index)

+ Etudes des nudes: voice and piano. 194‑?

Everyone says there are nine muses. See Little pornography

+ Everyone’s always different in the dark. 194‑?. First line: Noel Coward once made the odd remark

Everything begins in Spring. See Spring

+ Everything’s going on nicely: voice and piano. 1979

+ Exam paper. 1959 (in Thematic index)

Excuse for Venice. 1949 (in Thematic index). See You don’t need an excuse to go to Venice

+ Exhibition. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked ‘& Chauffeur’))

+ Ex-services rendered. 1947. See Cambridge Circus. From 1947 Footlights revue

‑Fairies. 1946 (in Thematic index)

+ Fairy. 1945? (in Thematic index (marked: ‘B’))

‑ Faraday Ville. 1949 (in Thematic index)

‑ Fashions. 1949 (in Thematic index)

‑ First dancing [from Codwin Bay?]. 1948 (in Thematic index)

Fish II. 1948 (in Thematic index). See Following the fish, no. 2

‑ Flirting [?] [from Codwin Bay?]. 1948 (in Thematic index)

Flood. See Poems of Tao Ch’ien

+ Florororiana blues. 1946 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

+ Follow the fashion. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Following the fish. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Following the fish, no. 2. 1948

+ Footy lights: voice and piano (?= We are the footy lights (1946) see Thematic catalogue)

For he’s a jolly good fellow. See The Professor

For too long I’ve been wrongly attired. See Who dear

+ Forty-eight genes. 1948 (in Thematic index). From Come to Codwin Bay. First line: It’s nice when a sister and a brother

Four-foot skeleton at High Wycombe. See In a Sunday paper

+ Frankenstein’s monster. 194‑?

+ Freeman Hardy & Willis. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Friendship is a beautiful word. 194‑?. Refrain: Don’t give ’em the benefit of the doubt

+ Gerontophily. 1954 (in Thematic index). First line: Life begins at forty

‑ Gershwin concerto. 1947 (in Thematic index)

+ Gertrude’s prayer: soprano solo and piano. 1952

+ G.I. brides. 194‑?. First line: Leaving the land of restrictions

+ Give me a school. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Give me back my heart: voice and piano. 1950 (in Thematic index). First line: We’ve had such fun being friends

Give us an attic. See Nothing matters

‑ Glee club. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

Going alone to spend a night at the Hsien-yu temple. See Poems of Po Chü-i

Gone are the lights tonight. See Drainpipe blues

+ Good advice. 1958? (in Thematic index)

+ Good bye to Toni’s. 1949 (in Thematic index)

‑ Good evening everybody. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index (annotated: ‘F.L. 1947’))

+ Goodbye. 1948. From Come to Codwin Bay

+ Goodnight. 1947. From 1947 Footlights revue

‑ Goodnight (for “Christmas Shot” revue by Repertory Co. Lowestoft): voice and piano

Green walz. 1948 (in Thematic index). See Green waltz

+ Green waltz. 1948

Grey. See Kavafy songs

+ Happy chorus. 1944 (in Thematic index)

+ Happy ending. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Harding Roberts. 1945 (in Thematic index)

+ Hark! hark ! 198‑?

+ Heaven: voice and piano. 1954 (in Thematic catalogue) (27.2.58 Smoker) First line: I’m just contemplating suicide. Refrain: Won’t it be heaven in heaven

+ Heaven for two: voice and piano. 1947‑51. First line: In those days of my first craze

Hello! I’d  a Chislehurst mind. See Old number

‑ Here comes Tootsie. 1938 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘X’))

‑ Here today but not to stay

+ High kicks. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked ‘see back of “It’s love that makes the world go round”’))

‑ Hills Road. 1949 (in Thematic index)

+ Histon road. 194‑?

+ Hold your Breath. 194‑?

Hoopla, hoopla! 1953 (in Thematic index). See Checkmate

+ Hopeful ‑ nil desperandum. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

+ How to make a Cup of tea. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

+ I dreamt: voice and piano. 1969?

+ I go gooey. 194‑?

+ I heard my goldfish yodelling. 194‑?

+ I John Albert. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ I know you’re feeling that way: voice and piano. 1947‑1950. First line: The very moment you came in sight. Refrain: Weeks ago you whispered softly in my ear

‑ I put lead in their pencils. 1951 (in Thematic index)

+ I say you’ve got bubbly. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ I want Johnnie. 19‑‑?

I went to teatime dancing at the Dot. See May I have the pleasure of this dance

+ I who am dead a thousand years: voice and piano. 194‑?

Ice-cream cornets were very much bigger. See Cornet song

+ Identical cases. 1948. From Come to Codwin Bay

‑ Idling. 1949 (in Thematic index)

I’d make a terrible housewife. See A thing or two

If winter comes can spring be far behind. 1949 (in Thematic index). See Winter. From Always in June

If you are abnormal in any sort of way. See Please be abnormal nicely

If you can’t tell a dog from a cat. 1959 (in Thematic index). See Love in the doghouse

If you could learn what’s in my mind. See Love’s necessity

Illness. See Poems of Po Chü-i

I’ll sing you a song that’s sad beyond belief. See Caravan

+ I’m a senior official, no. 1. 194‑?

+ I’m a senior official, no. 2. 194‑?

+ I’m curious Katie. 1946? (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

I’m going as far as I can. See On the pier

I’m just a little ship that passes between the clinking of glasses. See Ashoka

I’m just contemplating suicide. See Heaven

‑ I’m the minister. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘F.L.S[moker].))

+ In a Sunday paper (1. Four-foot skeleton at High Wycombe ‑ 2. Weekend weather ‑ 3. Savings drop again ‑ 4. Your own horoscope ‑ 5. Police use hoses against seven hundred ‑ 6. Women walk out of court ‑ 7. A seal named Celia ‑  8. County cricket): baritone solo and piano. 1953

+ In a tiny East End music hall. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

In England if you think you see a possible friend. See The Greek way of making a friend

+ In histrionic circles. 1947. From 1947 Footlights revue

In my room I found a note for me. See The Professor

‑ Insatiable. 1946 (in Thematic index)

In those days of my first craze. See Heaven for two

Is it wise to shut your eyes. See Love’s necessity

Is there a Proctor in the house. See Plain bull

+ It all depends on the circumstances. 194‑?

+ Italia. 1948?

‑ It doesn’t mean a thing. 1951. From Hey nonny no

+ It proves he is a Trinity man. 1948 (in Thematic index)

It’s a cuppa momma’s homemade tea. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic Index). See It’s a cup o’ Momma’s special homemade tea

+ It’s a cup o’ Momma’s special homemade tea. 1944

‑ It’s an end. 1948 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘X’))

It’s drab and deadly dull to be a dummy. See The dummy’s lament

+ It’s in the book. 1948 (in Thematic index). First line: They’re racing down at Goodwood

It’s invariably reckoned that Edward the Second. See Unwritten history

‑ It’s like a hat [from Freedom]. 1948 (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘F.L.S[moker].’))

+ It’s love that makes the world go round. 1946‑47 (in Thematic index)

It’s never very safe. 1949. (in Thematic index). See Winter. From Always in June

It’s nice when a sister and a brother. See Forty-eight genes

+ It’s the end: voice and piano. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘F.L. 1948’))

I’ve done a lot of walking. See Maybe I’m waiting for you

+ I’ve got a cat called Isabelle. 1938?

I’ve got a cat named Isabelle. 1938? (in Thematic index (marked: ‘B’)) See I’ve got a cat called Isabelle

+ I’ve got my Girton girl. 194‑?

I’ve never heard the like of your swearing. See Swearing

+ James’s song. 194‑?

+ Jeep. 1945 (in Thematic index)

+ Jill’s entry to nightclub. 194‑?. First line: Three times I’ve plumbed Vesuvius

+ Just a bit of heather. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index (annotated: ‘F.L. 1947’))

Just about this time of year. See Pause for laugh

+ Just a mother at heart. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Just look at me. 198‑?

+ Just one year and maybe. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Just the Ticket: voice and piano. 194‑?. First line: No wonder we are feeling weary

Just wait a thousand years. See Telepathy

+ Kavafy songs (1. Grey ‑ 2. Voices): tenor solo and piano. 1956

Kitty was such a clean cat. See Pussy

Knights of Gladness. 1953 (in Thematic index). See Checkmate

+ Kubla Kahn. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

‑ Lace yourself tighter, Lucy. 1947 (in Thematic index as 'Lacy yourself tighter, Lucy', but that must be a mistake)

+ Lady. 1948 (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘F.L.S[moker].’)). See Customs house

+ La Plume de ma tante. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

Lazy man’s song. See Poems of Po Chü-i

Leaving the land of restrictions. See G.I. brides

+ Let’s be always in each other companies. 1946 (in Thematic index (F.L. 1947))

‑ Let’s make an uproar

Let’s sing a song of governments. See Oh isn’t it gay

Letters, letters, letters. See Post mortem

+ Librarian. 1959 (in Thematic index)

Life begins at forty. See Gerontophily

+ Life without love. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Little girl, mind how you go. First line: When a man sees a maid

+ Little Pornography. 195‑?. First line: Everyone says there are nine muses

London stations used to run. See Musical trains

+ Lord Sandwich. 1958 (in Thematic index)

+ Love breakers. 1957 (in Thematic catalogue)

‑ Love cherish and obey. 1958 (in Thematic index)

+ Love in the doghouse. 1959 (in Thematic catalogue)

+ Lovely sky. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Love’s a Whirlwind. ?1944 Malta

+ Love’s gotta be coupon free. 1946 (in Thematic index)

+ Love’s necessity. 194‑?. First line: Is it wise to shut your eyes. Refrain: If you could learn what’s in my mind

+ Lovesome. 19‑‑?. First line: A garden is a lovesome thing God wot

‑ Lullaby. 1951 (in Thematic index). From Hey nonny no

‑ Magdalene Street. 1959 (in Thematic index)

+ Main tune. 1948 (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘F.L.S[moker].’)). See Customs house

‑ Malky chapel. 1954 (in Thematic index)

‑ Malta scrap. 1944 (Malta?) (in Thematic index)

+ Malta telescope. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

‑ Malta the little altar. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

+ Matthews tea. 1959 (in Thematic index)

+ May I have the pleasure of this dance. 1946‑49. First line: I went to teatime dancing at the Dot

+ Maybe I’m waiting for you. 1958 (in Thematic index). First line: I’ve done a lot of walking

May week madrigals beneath a bridge. See Akoma

+ Mia Bambina. 1948 (in Thematic index). From Come to Codwin Bay

+ Middle first. 1948 (in Thematic index)

‑ Mistinguett. 1950 (in Thematic index)

+ Money trouble. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘??’))

‑ More Muggywamp. 1959 (in Thematic index)

Mrs Brown, Mrs Green, etc. 1949 (in Thematic index). See Mrs Jones & Mrs Brown & Mrs Green

+ Mrs Jones & Mrs Brown & Mrs Green: voice and piano. 1949? 

‑ Mugwump. 1959 (in Thematic index)

+ Musical trains. 1948 (in Thematic index). First line: London stations used to run

+ Musicophile. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

My dancing was entrancing. See Temple dancer

+ My doorstep too. 1956. First line: Bells ring out the noonday hour

My first romance. See Life without love

My name is Cornelius Flott. See The lament of Cornelius Flott

+ My new boyfriend. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

+ Nanny, who dat man? 1947 (in Thematic index)

+ Nellie O’Mora. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Nellie O’Mora (revised version(s)). 1956 (in Thematic Index). From Zuleika

New corn. See Poems of Tao Ch’ien

‑ No hunting. 1948 (in Thematic index)

‑ No! No! No! (Stop, stop stop!). 1946 (in Thematic index (F.L.S[moker].))

+ Nobody cares a rap for sex in Oxford. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

Noel Coward once made the odd remark. See Everyone’s always different in the dark

+ None new [sic.] the sorrow. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Nothing Matters. 194‑?. First line: Give us an attic

Not many girls have the luck to have a chauffeur. See Chauffeur

+ Not sure: voice and piano. 194‑?. First line: Can you not see it

No wonder we are feeling weary. See Just the ticket

Now one of Jim’s numerous oddities. See Oh! what a problem!

Now someone’s kept quiet about that. See Unwritten history

Now there once was a man called MacBean. See The kissing machine

+ Nuts and May. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

+ Oedipus: voice and piano. 1949. (in Thematic catalogue). See Always in June

‑ Of the silly ways. 1946 (in Thematic index (F.L.S[moker]))

+ Oh isn’t it gay: voice and piano. 194‑?. First line: Let’s sing a song of governments

+ Oh! what a problem! 1953 (in Thematic index). First line: Now one of Jim’s numerous oddities

+ Old number: voice and piano. 1958. From Child’s play. First line: Hello! I’d a Chislehurst mind

+ Olga Baroque: voice and two pianos. 1947. From 1947 Footlights revue

+ Olympic torch song.  1948. (in Thematic index (marked: ‘F.L. 1948’)). From La vie Cambridgienne

+ On the pier: voice and piano. 194‑?. First line: I’m going as far as I can

‑ On the road. 1948 (in Thematic index)

O squire do tell us. See What is it like at Spittleford

+ Oxford city of repose. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Oxford city of repose (revised version(s)). 1956 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

‑ Pacific. 1959 (in Thematic index (2 tunes))

‑ Pagan world. 1947 (in Thematic index)

+ Panjandrum: voice and piano. 194‑?. First line: So she went into the garden

+ Panto opening. 1947 (in Thematic index)

+ Pan’s albergo. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Pause for laugh: voice and piano. 1952. First line: Just about this time of year

+ Peas Hill parlour. 1947 (in Thematic index)

People say I’m a ‘vamp,’ dear, but they’re wrong. See A thing or two

+ Peter’s song. 194‑?

‑ Photographs. 1959 (in Thematic index)

‑ Pitt Press. 1959 (in Thematic index)

+ Pizzicato doublebass. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Plain bull. 1947. See Cambridge circus. First line: Is there a Proctor in the house

+ Please be abnormal nicely. 1949 (in Thematic index). First line: If you are abnormal in any sort of way

+ Please don’t pull our pit-house up. 1969. First line: Two snakes on the coat of Doctor Caius

Poems in depression, at Wei village. See Poems of Po Chü-i

+ [Poems of Po Chü-i] Seven poems of Po Chü-i (1. Poems in depression, at Wei  village (lento) ‑ 2. Going alone to spend a night at the Hsien-yu temple  (allegretto) ‑ 3. Lazy man’s song (andantino scherzando) ‑ 4. The  chrysanthemums in the eastern garden (con passione) ‑ 5. To Liu Yu‑hsi  (allegro) ‑ 6. Illness (lento) ‑ 7. Dreaming that I went with Li and Yu to  visit Yuan Chen (moderato): baritone solo, string quartet and piano. 1948

+ [Poems of Tao Ch’ien] Two poems of Tao Ch’ien (1. Flood ‑ 2. New corn):  baritone solo voice, clarinet, trumpet, two sidedrums, cymbal, gong, timpani, celeste, string quartet, piano. 1948

Police use hoses against seven hundred. See In a Sunday paper

+ Polka (several versions). 1954‑5 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Post mortem. 1948. From Come to Codwin Bay. First line: Destiny must have selected me. Refrain: Letters, letters, letters

+ Principal boy. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

+ Psychiko. 1946 (in Thematic index)

+ Pussy. 198‑?. First line: She washed herself with endless care. Refrain: Kitty was such a clean cat

Putting gin in the tea. 1949. See Autumn. From Always in June (in Thematic Index)

‑ R.A.F.. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index)

‑ R.I. (Webb’s Court). 1948 (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘X’))

+ Real live thrill. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne

+ Religious work: voice and piano. First line: When you hear the chapel bells a-ringing. Refrain: Two blue eyes and a skin that’s pink

+ Rhoda. 195‑?. First line: Rhoda Rye was a London lass

+ Ring the bells. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic index (annotated: ‘F.L. 1947’))

+ RSPCV. 1949?

+ Russian salad. 1952. From Cabbages and Kings

‑ Salonika, Queen Olga Street. 1945 (in Thematic index)

Savings drop again. See In a Sunday paper

+ Second attempt. 1944 (in Thematic index)

‑ Second man. 1948 (in Thematic index)

See that little fellow. See What is it like at Spittleford

She washed herself with endless care. See Pussy

Shut your eyes, hold your breath. 1944 (in Thematic index). See Hold your breath

+ Shuttertime in Gonville Court. 195‑?. The College goes, the College comes

‑ Signal mess. 1945 (in Thematic index)

+ Silvester. 1947 (in Thematic index)

Similar cases. 1948 (in Thematic index). See Identical cases.

+ Sing my heart. 1946 (in Thematic index). First line: There’s a way to drive your cares away

+ Sixpence for a chair. 1949 (in Thematic index)

+ Skies of grey. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

‑ Sniff, sniff, sniff. 1950 (in Thematic index)

+ Some day. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Song of bitterness. 194‑?

So she went into the garden. See Panjandrum

+ Spartos opening. 1945 (in Thematic index)

+ Spring. 1949 Always in June (in Thematic catalogue). First line: Everything begins in Spring

Square dance. 1953 (in Thematic index). See Checkmate

Ss! Ss! See The Greek way of making a friend

+ Sticking to the saddle. 1948. La vie Cambridgienne (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘F.L. 1948’))

‑ Stipulatinus. 1949 (in Thematic index)

+ Straw in the mouth. 1947 (in Thematic index)

+ Summer. 1949. From Always in June

‑ Summer dame. 1949 (in Thematic index) {should be Summer dance}

‑ Summer main. 1949 (in Thematic index)

+ Swearing: voice and piano. 194‑?. First line: I’ve never heard the like of your swearing. Refrain: Your ejaculations always take me by surprise

+ Swing bridge: voice and piano. 1948 (in Thematic index). First line: When I was young I cherished an ambition

+ Swiss car. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘F.L. 1948’))

+ Tastes of summer. 1955 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Ted’s pages; one. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Ted’s pages; two. 1948 (in Thematic index)

+ Telepathy. 1948 (in Thematic index, with ‘All roads lead to Rome’). First line: The language for words never really can express. Refrain: Just wait a thousand years

+ Temple dancer. 1948. From La vie Cambridgienne. First line: My dancing was entrancing. (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘F.L. 1948’))

+ Temptation. 1946‑49

+ Ten thousand acres. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

‑ Tenement cantata: voice and piano. 1958. From Child’s play

+ Tessitura. 194‑?

+ That’s why I’m buying the ring: voice and piano. 1944 (in Thematic catalogue).First line: My philosophy may not agree. Refrain: I’ve got a theory

+ The average undergraduate. 1947. From 1947 Footlights revue. See Cambridge circus

+ The awfully chap. 1948 (in Thematic index (marked: F.L. 1948))

+ The “Bath” song: voice and piano

+ The benefit of the doubt: voice and piano. 1954 (3.3.54 Smoker). First line: At the fall of Rome. Refrain: Don’t give them the benefit of the doubt

+ The blues. 194‑

+ The boy stood on the burning deck. 19‑

The chrysanthemums in the eastern garden. See Poems of Po Chü-i

The College goes, the College comes. See Shuttertime in Gonville Court

+ The dowager says. 1946 (in Thematic index)

+ The dummy’s lament. 1947. From 1947 Footlights revue. First line: It’s drab and deadly dull to be a dummy

‑ The five-four tune. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘X’))

+ The fox, the ape, and the humble-bee: voice and piano. 1956 (1957 in Thematic catalogue)

+ The Greek way of making a friend. 1949. From Always in June. voice and piano. 1948 (in Thematic catalogue). First line: In England if you think you see a possible friend. Refrain: Ss ! Ss !

The ground sheet under a confirmed bed wetter. See Those extremely foolish things

‑ The Grove. 1959 (in Thematic index)

‑ The healing of thy wings [unfinished]: voice and instruments (In Atlas Antique)

+ The impossible: voice and piano. 194‑?. First line: You tell me not to think of you

+ The kind of man force. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ The kissing machine: voice and piano. 1960. First line: Now there once was a man called MacBean

+ The ladies in white. 194‑?. First line: There are many unsung heroes in wartime

+ The lament of Cornelius Flott. 1948 (in Thematic index). First line: My name is Cornelius Flott

The language for words never really can express. See Telepathy

+ The last dance. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ The light at your window. 198‑?. First line: There was a light in your window

+ The oldest girl in Girton. 1947. From 1947 Footlights revue. See Cambridge circus

+ The Professor, or “For he’s a jolly good fellow”: voice and piano. 1958. First line: In my room I found a note for me

The very moment you came in sight. See I know you’re feeling that way

+ The wrong side of the footlights: voice and piano. 1947. See 1947 Footlights Revue

There are many unsung heroes in wartime. See The ladies in white

There lived a nightingale who loved a little rose. See Caravan

There was a light in your window. See The light at your window

+ There’s a beautiful apple called the Bruce. 19‑?

There’s a way to drive your cares away. See Sing my heart

There’s always been a certain something about the way I dream. See You’re exactly like a dream come true

+ There’s an opening for you in the navy: voice & piano. 1947 (in Thematic Index (marked: ‘F.L.S[moker].)). First line: Admirals when they want more men

They’re racing down at Goodwood. See It’s in the book

Those are the things that we recall. See Cornet song

+ Those extremely foolish things. 19‑?. First line: The ground sheet under a confirmed bed wetter

Three times I’ve plumbed Vesuvius. See Jill’s entry to nightclub

‑ To friend. [1948?] (in Thematic index)

To Liu Yu-hsi. See Poems of Po Chü-i

+ Too much kissing can be bad for you. 1947 (in Thematic index): voice and piano. First line: Darling, now we are back from the party

+ Tootin Carmen. 1947. From 1947 Footlights revue

+ Torquay strand. 1947 (in Thematic index)

+ Tout le monde. 1946 (Athens) (in Thematic index)

+ Transatlantic lullaby. 194‑?

+ Trinity Street. 1948 (in Thematic index)

Two blue eyes and a skin that’s pink. See Religious work

+ Two cabaret songs. 1961. (Children’s dance ‑ Alphabet)

Two snakes on the coat of Doctor Caius. See Please don’t pull our pit-house up

+ Two young hearts that tried to beat as one. 19‑?

‑ U. 2. 1942 (in Thematic index)

+ Uncle Sam: voice and piano. 1949. From Hey nonny no

+ Under your nose. 1949 (in Thematic index)

+ Unwritten history: voice and piano. 1955 (1954 in Thematic catalogue). First line: It’s invariably reckoned that Edward the Second. Refrain: Now someone’s kept quiet about that. See Flash in the Cam. See Out of the blue

+ Up the Cam. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘F.L. 1948)). See La vie Cambridgienne. First line: We’re spending a gay afternoon on the Cam

Vegetabu-el. 1949 (in Thematic index). See RSPCV

Voices. See Kavafy songs

+ Walls: soprano solo and piano. 1952

+ Was it because. 19‑?. First line: When I met you at this station

We are the Footylights. 1946 (in Thematic index (F.L.S[moker])). See Footylights

We sit for a space. See Coughing and nose-blowing song

‑ We three always agree. 1949 (in Thematic index)

+ We will all patronise your hotel: voice and piano. 194‑?

We worship thee, Terpsichore. See Dancing through

+ We’ll have a lovely time. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ We’ll have a lovely time (revised version(s)). 1956 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ We’ll show you the spot. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ We’re saying goodbye to Miss Angus Mackay. 1950?

We’re spending a gay afternoon on the Cam. See Up the Cam

We’ve had an awful lot of trouble with the boss. 1949. See Autumn. See Always in June (in Thematic index)

We’ve had such fun being friends. See Give me back my heart

Weary people. See Just the ticket

Weekend weather. See In a Sunday paper

Weeks ago you whispered softly in my ear. See I know you’re feeling that way

+ What a surprise. 1948 (in Thematic index). From Come to Codwin Bay

+ What an evensong. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ What deaths men have died: orchestral acc. (or 2 pianos). 1948

+ What has she got. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ What is it like at Spittleford. 19‑‑?. First line: O squire do tell us. Refrain: See that little fellow

When a man sees a maid. See Little girl, mind how you go

When I met you at this station. See Was it because

When I was young I cherished an ambition. See Swing bridge

When you go to the zoo. See A feast for a beast

When you hear the chapel bells a-ringing. See Religious work

‑ Whip my belly. 1945 (in Thematic index)

+ Who cares. 1948 (in Thematic index). First line: Cleopatra had her day

+ Who dear? 1952 (in Thematic index): voice and piano. First line: For too long I’ve been wrongly attired

‑ Why can’t I get off with you. 1941 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘X’))

Why must I wait. See Ashoka

+ Why, why, why, no. 1. 1958? (in Thematic index)

+ Why, why, why, no. 2. 1958? (in Thematic index)

Will you walk a little faster. See Alice in Wonderland

+ Winter. 1949. From Always in June

With fur around my bottom. 1947 (in Thematic index (marked: ‘F.L.S[moker]’.)) See woman’s angle

With the tide. See Drifting by

+ With you by my side. 194‑?

+ Woman’s angle. 1947.

+ Women. 1948. From Come to Codwin Bay

Women walk out of court. See In a Sunday paper

Won’t it be heaven in heaven. See Heaven

+ Won’t you tell me why. 1947. From 1947 Footlights revue

‑ Words cannot/could not express. 1944 (?composed in Malta) (in Thematic Index)

+ You don’t need an excuse to go to Venice: voice and piano. 1949. First line: Byron found the authorities sour

You just can’t think. 1949. See Autumn. From Always in June (in Thematic Index)

+ You lie to me. 1948 (in Thematic index (Marked: ‘F.L.S[moker].’)). See Customs house

You mustn’t, you mustn’t. See Edward onwards

You tell me not to think of you. See The impossible

Your ejaculations always take me by surprise. See Swearing

Your own horoscope. See In a Sunday paper

+ You’re exactly like a dream come true. 1947 (in Thematic index): voice and piano. First line: There’s always been a certain something about the way I dream

+ Zuleika. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Zuleika (revised version(s)). 1956 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Zuleika’s travels. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Zuleika’s travels (revised as ‘New travel song’). 1954‑5 (in Thematic Index).From Zuleika

+ Zuleika’s triumph. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika

+ Zuleika’s unused verse. 1954 (in Thematic index). From Zuleika


+ Concerto grosso in three movements. 1972.

Orchestration: 3*.3*.2.2 ‑ ‑ strings, perc

+ Piano concerto [unfinished] + string orchestra. 194‑?

+ Decalogue: variations for brass, percussion and organ. 1956. duration: 14'.

Orchestration: 3 trumpets, 2 tenor trombones, 1 bass trombone, 1 tuba, glockenspiel, cymbals, military drum-head on which to spin coins, four timpani and organ (with soft 32' pedals)

+ Eclogue (symphonic poem). 1962. duration: 20'

Orchestration: 2*.2.2.2 ‑ strings, timp, harp, perc (cymbals, maracas)

+ Festive overture: concert overture. 1966. duration: 11'

Orchestration: ‑ ‑ strings, timp, perc (2 players: woodblock, triangle, glockenspiel, tambourine)

+ Noctet: three movement piece for small orchestra. 1964. duration: 12'

Orchestration: ‑ ‑ strings ‑ piano, organ

To be played in an open courtyard, with brass & keyboard instruments in adjacent rooms

+ Nocturne for small orchestra. 1961. duration: 18'

Orchestration: ‑ 0 1.0.0 ‑ strings, 2 pianos, organ

To be played in an open courtyard, with keyboard instruments in adjacent rooms

+ Scherzetto (orchestral work in three movements). 1960. duration: 12'

Orchestration: 3*.2.2.2 ‑ ‑ strings, harp, timp, perc (xylophone, glockenspiel, cymbals, sidedrum, bass drum)


+ A puritanism: flute and piano. 1941

‑ Fugue: string quartet (rough copy)

+ It: trumpet, trombone, cello, violin, banjo, drums and piano. 194‑?

+ Mazurka: 2 violins and cello. 1982

+ Movement for violin and piano (rough copy). 1949?

+ Movements: fantasia in five movements: flute, viola, bassoon, harpsichord and piano. 1987

+ Musica riservata [unfinished]: 8 cellos and percussion. 194‑?

+ Ricercar: 2 trumpets and organ. 1965

+ 3 Sarabandes: string quartet (rough copy). 194‑?

+ Scherzo: string quartet (rough copy). 1950?

+ Septet: 2 violins, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and cello. 194‑?

+ Sonatina in three movements: flute and piano. 1966

+ Teaspoon [unfinished]: string quartet. 195‑?

+ Triolet: flute, clarinet and piano. 1948

+ Trio for violin, horn and piano. 1941

+ String trio: violin, viola and cello. 1949

+ Variations on a theme of Chopin: string quartet. 1949

+ Waltz and calypso: 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 horns in F, 2 bassoons. 1977


+ Bach’s Grabe: piano solo (unfinished). 194‑?

+ Dodecafonia: piano solo. 1950

+ Friendly grotesques: four hands one piano. 1953

+ How I miss you. 1985. piano solo (possibly a song)

+ Piano piece for Carl Dawson: piano solo. 195‑?

+ Seven pieces in alphabetical order (rev 1960): piano solo. 1947

+ Rhapsody ‑ homage a Brahms: piano solo. 194‑?

+ Salonika nights: valse: piano solo. 194‑?

+ Sing a song of sixpence: piano solo. 194‑?

‑ Sonata for piano: piano solo. 1948

+ Piano sonata no. 3: piano solo

+ Sonatina for piano: piano solo. 1949

+ Souvenir d’un jour d’espoir: valse [from incidental music from Johnson over Jordan]: piano solo

‑ Spring rondo: duet for four hands one piano. 1968

+ Tango fugue in G [sketch ‑ unfinished]: piano solo. 198‑?

+ [Unidentified piano pieces]

+ Variations on a theme by Mozart. 194‑?. piano solo


+ Carol voluntary: organ. 1948, rev.1964

+ Fuga [unfinished]: organ solo. 194‑?

+ Little sonata for organ: organ. 1948

+ Nativitates: organ symphony: organ. 1943. (1. Gregale ‑ 2. Inalt)

+ Organ sonata 1950: organ. 1950

+ Organ sonata 1958: organ. 1958

+ Sonatina for organ: organ. 1964 (revised 1967)

+ Two organ preludes. 1952. (1. Prelude ‑ 2. Passacaglia)

Four voluntaries for organ (rev 1964): organ. 1952

+ Organ voluntaries to be played during holy communion: organ. 1960

Works not included in the Classified Handlist

100-fold Amen. Undated, but stylistically appears to be 1970s/80s.

David and John

Or sus vous dormés trop. Words and music Anon c.1360. Arranged for SATBrB, and performed by the Choir of Gonville & Caius College at the Perse Feast, Friday 11 December 1987.Not in CUL

Suite. Piano solo, composed ages 12/13, 1935.

The Radchester Match. Words Maurice Holt. First line: The Radchester Match was in progress, a triumph of guts over mud. Refrain: if it's healthy they won't like it, if it's naughty then it's nice. 1950s?

The very pretty maid of this town. TTBB. 1965.

Last Updated: 28/02/2025 By: crispin.flower