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Registration of The Peter Tranchell Foundation

We are pleased to announce that the Charity Commission has approved the registration of The Peter Tranchell Foundation as a Community Interest Organisation (a legal vehicle with limited liability for charitable organisations).

The Constitution states the Objects of the Foundation as:

To advance education for the benefit of the public through the promotion of the life and work of the British composer Peter Tranchell, in particular but not exclusively through:

  • promoting awareness of and access to his music and writings
  • promoting understanding of his music through study of the music itself and of his life, including its social, economic and cultural context
  • promoting performance of his music by bringing relevant works to the attention of musicians and of concert, broadcast and recording producers, and by promoting the availability of performing editions and scores
  • promoting communication and coordination between those interested in, and working on, his music and life

One of the first priorities will be to promote various activities in 2022, the centenary of PAT’s birth - find out more about the Centenary. We are setting up a Committee to advise and help us with this. More soon!

If you’d like to be involved in any way in the work of the Foundation, or Centenary initiatives, please contact us in the Facebook group, by direct message/email, or through contact form.